GITA 1 Projects

We learned how to use C# in Visual Studio to make projects in GITA 1, looking back it was super fun but my code is really poorly written, I guess it shows how far I've progressed though! Simply click the screenshots to download the project and play them yourself.

Project 1


Program where you can click 4 buttons for 4 different languages that say goodbye, along with showing the languages flag.

Project 2

About Page

About page for a company with ways to contact them such as email, address, or phone number.

Project 3

Mailing Address

A project to make a mailing address when given information.

Project 4

Car Rental

A project that automatically charges prices for a car rental service.

Project 5

BMI calculator

A project used to calculate a BMI and find the average of its users.

Project 6


A project that gives a simple percent discount to an amount of books.

Project 7

Car Rental Upgrade

An upgrade to the car rental project with multiple cars and customizations.

Project 8

Test Grade

Project that determines the average letter grade between two scores given through a fraction.

Project 9

Dice Chance

Project to determine the probability of a number appearing when you roll two dice.

Project 10

Craps Game

A singleplayer version of Craps.

Project 11

T-Shirt Order Form

Project that purchases shirts with different prices along with manager stats.

Project 12


Slot machine gambling game where getting combinations give you more money.

Project 13

Rock Paper Scissors

Two-Player rock paper scissors game.

Project 14


A project where a fish moves on a grid and counts how many times it touches an edge.

Project 15

Fish Upgrade

An upgrade to the first fish project where there is a new y axis along with an enemy shark that tries to eat the fish.

Project 16

ESPN Comparison

Project that compares two different football teams and their score within different competitions.

Project 17


A Tic Tac Toe game where two players can compete against eachother.

Project 18

N Factorial

A calculator that shows the sum of a number, factorials, evens, odds, and the fibonacci sequence.

Project 19

AI game

Game where you must chase an AI and hit it in order to get points.

Project 20

Space simulation that looks like you're zooming through space in lightspeed.

Project 21


An aquarium where fish try to survive and avoid a predator trying to eat them.

Project 22


Generates a number of grades in a classroom and sorts them.

Project 23

Airplane Fight

Game where you must dodge airplanes and its bullets while shooting back your own projectiles to score.

Project 24


Final project where you play as gordon ramsay fighting back bacteria in a kitchen, you can get coins to upgrade your weapons in the shop and you try to survive as long as possible without getting shut down.