Case 1: Toilet Paper Scarcity

In Australia, the news wrongly reported that most of their toilet paper was imported from other countries, with Covid-19 shutting down shipping around the world, Australians feared running out of toilet paper. Althought this was false (only around 40% being imported), people chose to buy as much toilet paper as they could in case supply never went up again, this eventually spreading to other countries from a problem that was isolated only in Australia

Case 2: 5G Tower Fears

The rumour that 5G towers caused Covid-19 got a lot of traction in social media sites like Facebook, causing a whole mess of problems ranging from workers getting threatened, assaulted, and even shot at. Workers arent the only ones in danger, people have even took to burning down 5G towers, along with other towers such as 3 and 4 G.

Case 3: Crop Cycle Failiures

Due to isolation, jobs closing, and fears about going outside, people would spend a lot less in the Pandemic. Because of this farmers had to destroy tons and tons of food in fears of crops rotting on store shelves instead of being purchased. However, this also gave the tough position of not knowing when to plant again due to fears of being behind the competition in terms of the first harvest. This cycle caused a whole lot of wasted food such as 3.7 million gallons of milk down the drain, buring 1 million onions in some ditch, and due to this amount of decomposition, release tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere